With Gratitude

Christ the Redeemer, Settling in after a three-month sabbatical, I find myself experiencing gratitude on every side. I enjoyed much needed rest, finished research for my doctoral thesis project, made home improvements, and gave attention to my family before and after...

Staff Paradigm Shift

Dear Christ the Redeemer family, Over this summer, we have shifted into a new way of doing much of our administrative work, in terms of our staff and their roles. This is a significant investment and step of faith as we endeavor to align people to realize our Vision...

Walking with the Spirit of God

Many of us have questions about the great mysteries of the Christian faith.   One of the most misunderstood of these mysteries is the work of the Holy Spirit.   The scriptures are clear regarding the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as Christians. Each person who...

Gregory of Nyssa

By Sota Alberty St. Gregory was born in the region of Cappadocia (modern-day Turkey) around 335 AD into a large, wealthy Christian family. (Among his siblings were St. Macrina–excellent reading if you’re interested in the role of women in the early...

Benedict of Nursia

By Dcn. Adam Gosnell Saint Benedict was a college dropout. He was born about 480 AD to a Roman family of means, but, in his 20s, would abandon his literary studies and the security of noble life. In his travels, Benedict happened upon a monk named Romanus. He left...

ACNA Assembly: “Mission on our Doorstep”

During the last week of June, the Anglican Church in North America (of which CTR is a member) held a provincial Council/Assembly in Wheaton, Illinois. The theme of the Assembly was  “Mission on our Doorstep”. This was explored through a vast array of talks, workshops,...