Celebrating the Sacred

Beauty, Truth, and Goodness are One, and find their perfection in God alone, who is their sole source.


It is not an uncommon experience in our parish to suddenly feel as if we’ve been transported, in a moment of worship, to the heavenly liturgy itself, suddenly surrounded by angels, and archangels, and all the company of heaven. In those moments, as eternity becomes palpable here on earth, we can feel our whole person moved and set aflame with the glory of God. In these moments, you have had an experience of the sacred.

It is not merely through words and lessons that the faith is transmitted, but through shared patterns of worship, rituals, and symbols that transcend words, and can be apprehended by all. If anything marks the Christian tradition of sacred worship, it is beauty. That which is truly beautiful captivates the soul. Beauty, Truth, and Goodness are One, and find their perfection in God alone, who is their sole source.

Celebrating the Sacred is something at which our parish excels. Whether it is through our liturgical traditions, or through the ministry of our excellent choir and music ministries, or through our arts ministry, or through Imago Stage, we have made it a defining factor in our parish life to not only preserve our sacred culture, but to celebrate it.

Altar & Eucharist

Father Malcom Reid reading the gospel in procession with acolytes

Altar Ministry

Sundays 9:30-11:30

Liturgical worship is very involved and requires a good number of volunteers each Sunday and Holy Day, including Acolytes, Lay Readers, Ushers, Flower Guild, and Altar Guild. If anyone is interested in learning to serve at the altar, please contact any of our clergy.

Pendleton Chapel Stained glass Windows

Midweek Eucharist

Wednesdays, 12:15 pm

A midweek Eucharist is offered every Wednesday in the Pendleton Chapel, beginning at 12:15. This is a simple, “Said Mass,” and typically lasts for only about 30 minutes—easy to fit into a lunch break. We also offer Holy Communion on all “Red Letter Days.” Please see the announcements in the bulletin for specific dates and times.

Choirs & Music

The choir stands in rows wearing white robes.

Choir of Christ the Redeemer

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30

The Choir of Christ the Redeemer is open to adults, teenagers, and children age 9 and up. Rehearsal takes place in the Church every Thursday, from 6:30–8:30pm. This community prays and cares for each other, and sings the 10am Eucharist most Sundays, September 10 to Trinity, plus Choral Evensongs, All Souls, Christmas Lessons & Carols, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and Triduum. New members are welcome. Contact Dan McKinley, our music director and choirmaster.

Treble Choir

Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30

The Trebles (age 9 & up) of the Choir of Christ the Redeemer meet in the Church, Tuesdays, 4:00–5:30pm, September through Trinity, as well as on Thursdays, 6:30–8:30pm. Sunday
morning rehearsal with the adults begins at 9am for the 10am Eucharist.

The Cherubim Choir

Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00

The Cherubim Choir (ages 6, 7, 8) meets in the Parish Hall, Tuesdays, 4:00–5:00 pm, September to May. The group sings occasionally for services.

Visual & Performing Arts


Father Samuel Alberty teaching an adult class at CTR

Light in the World

Light in the World is a vibrant visual arts ministry at Christ the Redeemer. We have held three art shows this past year in the
Parish Hall. This fall we are honored to host an evening with Bruce Herman on October 18. A winter show with the theme Nativity will
open on December 1. A Father/Son show opens on February 2 with works by David and Timothy Neill, and our spring show will open
on May 18 with the theme Light Shines in the Darkness. We also hold monthly gatherings in a home setting to discuss the ways Christian faith impacts the work of the artist. Watch the bulletin for dates and times.

Imago Stage Actors

Imago Stage

Imago Stage Company, a performing arts ministry of CTR, will present Fiddler on the Roof for 6 performances from November 15- 24. Rehearsals began on August 27. Our cast, crew, and production team includes some who attend CTR, some unchurched, and some members of other churches from communities on the North Shore and as far away as New Hampshire. We are partnering with Rabbi Richard Perlman from Temple Ner Tamid in our current production. More information can be found on our website. Those interested in participating with us may contact Tess McKinley.

Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am.