CTR Announcements as of Feb 6th, 2024:
Vestry Nominations: The Vestry has recently set up a committee to oversee the process for nominating candidates to replace outgoing members and officers whose terms expire at the Annual Parish Meeting. The Nominating Committee consists of Andrew Neill, Rachel Nimon, and Peter Smick. If you know of someone who you think should be considered for Vestry membership, please contact Andrew, Rachel, or Peter about this, or email Rachel at [email protected]. You may also submit a name for consideration by means of the Vestry Nomination Form found on the Members Portal.
Upcoming Women’s Brunch: The next Women’s Ministry Brunch will be Saturday February 15 in the parish hall from 9:30-11:30am. We’ll hear from Beth Paluzzi as she shares about “God, the Master Weaver of the Tapestry of my Life.” Feel free to bring a food dish or drink to share and/or a friend! All are welcome! Contact Jana Hemmerly-Brown ([email protected]) or Angela Foster ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.
Three Cords Coffeehouse: Join us for the next coffeehouse on Saturday February 15 from 7-9pm. Free open mic, come and enjoy! Play an instrument, sing a song, karaoke it, read a poem, and celebrate music with us. Coffee and snacks available. Feel free to participate or just sit, listen, and enjoy the talent shared. We are open to the public. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Randy Govoni at (617) 634-9749.
Hospitality Meal: Please join us on Sunday February 16 for the monthly hospitality meal. Allegra Smick is the head cook. There is no charge for the meal and all are welcome. If you would like to help with serving or clean up in the future, contact Allegra Smick at [email protected].
2024 Giving Statements: 2024 giving statements have been sent via email. If you need a paper copy, please email Janet Potts at [email protected].
Ongoing Art Exhibit: Father and Son: Paintings by David and Timothy Neill will hang in the Parish Hall through March 16. Our next show is scheduled for May 18 featuring artwork based on the theme: Light Shines in the Darkness. It will be open to all artists, whether or not they are parishioners, with submission forms coming soon.
Prayer books: We only need three more cases of prayer books to finish stocking our sanctuary! If you would like to contribute, please write your check to the church and indicate “prayer books” in the memo line.