Advent Angel Ministry

The Advent Angel ministry this year is being sponsored by the CTR youth group. We encourage you to join the youth in this ministry of love for our neighbors. Look for the Christmas tree in the Parish Hall where you will find tags with Christmas wishes from needy...

Whate’er My God Ordains is Right

by Allan Emery Raised as I was in a family with parents committed to Jesus and involved not just in our church, but just as intently and actively in a variety of other works intended to extend the Kingdom of God to our friends and neighbors, the concept of being a...

Father Tim’s “1500 Day” Manifesto

Father Tim’s “1500 Day” Manifesto For the next four years I will, by God’s Spirit and with His help: Pray every day that Jesus, the King, would be manifest in the fullness of his true character with ever-increasing clarity on the North Shore, especially through CTR...

CTR Strategic Plan – Document

This Sunday, at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall, Fr. Tim will continue to present and discuss aspects of the Strategic Plan. Copies of the Plan will be available at this event, or download a pdf version of it here: ctr-strat-plan-summary-20160914

New Forum Series – Keep Calm and Love Your Neighbor

Join as Fr. Tim teaches through a series of dialogues with various CTR parishioners about tools for being brave, patient and authentic listeners while sharing our faith, and the joy of Christ with our friends and neighbors. Audio recordings are linked following each...


by Dr. Richard Ladd My countdown to retirement numbered about fifty days and I was trying to enjoy the last few weeks in the classroom and the attachments I had established with several students over their four years in high school: talking to them about their future,...