Dear Christ the Redeemer family,

Russell Moore is one of the leading Christian thinkers and voices in our day regarding the Christian faith in the public square. He is president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and uses his voice to advocate for holistic Christian witness and engagement with great courage and grace: care for the environment, care for the unborn, racial justice, religious freedom, the persecuted church, healthy families in an age of screen addiction, the epidemic of porn addiction, etc.

I first noticed him back in 2010 when he wrote The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. He spoke strongly earlier this year when the SBC realized something of the depth of sexual abuse that has happened in some of their churches, and, like a prophet of the Old Testament, called for a time of repenting and lament. 

This summer I had the pleasure of getting just a few moments to meet and chat with him before he spoke at our ACNA provincial assembly; I simply thanked him for his courage and his fully-Christian voice.
It was a joy to meet him, and to be inspired by his wonderful teaching, helping us to think about how to be the body of Christ in our places in these days. His was the second talk of that day, (as you may recall that a few weeks ago I shared this link to the first plenary session with James Bryan Smith, who talked about growing disciples). All three talks of that day were magnificent and will be informing our life and ministry here on Boston’s North Shore.
So this week the second talk- Russell Moore, helping us think about looking “out,” and how we, who follow an incarnate Lord, can courageously and graciously be his people, incarnate in the world around us. The talk is thoughtful but down-to-earth, simple but profound, humorous, and above all, deeply inspiring. The bottom line is that he challenges us to be about Jesus for Jesus’ sake, not as a means to an end, even a good end. I gladly commend it to you: click here to listen . 
May Jesus Christ be praised,