by Mike Sheridan

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

For my new wife Carol and I, coming to Christ the Redeemer almost four years ago was a very deliberate choice to seek comfort and prepare to celebrate our getting married here in a new spiritual home. Like two spices in a recipe, Carol and I found creative ways to share and meld our distinctly different Catholic and Presbyterian traditions with good pastoral support.

img_0032Very shortly after our wedding at CTR in 2014, I remember vividly being invited by Nancy Unsworth (CTR Hospitality Chair ) to explore how I may contribute. I was amazed at how Nancy gave her all, together with a great team. She achieved excellent menu design with top quality results while doing all her own shopping and making it ALL look way too easy! I was hooked! Today, it’s Allegra Smick who makes it all look easy and is so diligent in the details, ensuring we are all prepared – another outstanding talent. We are so lucky!!

My earliest impression of feeling the true passion and joy of preparing food started around 11 years of age, during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I lived in NYC with my Mom, Dad and two brothers. Nearby were 6 aunts and uncles and 48 cousins. (I guess I’ve always been used to large quantities.) My hobby became more of a commitment after
article-2035201-0dbc1e0000000578-126_468x364 graduating college when I found my first real job with Marriott Hotels. I entered a life-changing management training program. Over the next 18 months I learned eachstation in a classic hotel kitchen, in three different Marriott locations. I was most fortunate to learn not only exceptional techniques, but how to focus on the personality, rhythm, execution and timing of each step involved. It changed my life and I never looked back. The level of ownership and creativity required in preparing each menu item to come together with precision was like nothing I’d ever “tasted” before. The pulse of good teamwork made for many lasting and committed friendships. Yes, I believe in the magic of the kitchen! Meeting another peer for the first time, there is often a clear sense of acceptance, respect and friendship –  a willingness to be open, often with very few words exchanged – simply because in the first few seconds they observe how you relate by simply being relaxed in the kitchen, even if you don’t share a common language.

We are so blessed. Every week at CTR we are able to share not just our house of worship, but also fellowship and meals, being fed spiritually and physically, thanks to our Hospitality team of volunteers.

As I plan and prepare a Sunday meal for 175 people, I imagine everyone were coming to my own home.  I desire to be His servant and want to present a “feast” to build community and well-being. The feast must feed all well; bring rest, and promote friendship; make each guest stronger before they re-enter their worlds.


Each Sunday Parish Hall meal takes a team of 3-5 people per week. They must be precise with choosing quality ingredients and sourcing menu options appropriate to the season. Care must be taken in choosing quantities of spice, array of color, variation in cost, timing and temperature. The unsung heroes of the Hospitality Team are the cleaning crew (3-5 people per week) who often have very different skill sets from those who prep and cook the meal. The people restore the wonderfully equipped CTR kitchen to a perfectly healthy clean environment: from a messy place to spotless, within minutes  week after week. Simply amazing!

In early 2017, we look forward to starting a CTR “Junior Chef” cooking class to give young people a hands-on orientation to the ways of the Kitchen. It would include: handling equipment; menu planning; cooking techniques; sanitation rules, etc. It is part of a commitment to teach basic life skills to people in our community and beyond.

A 1980’s cooking legend, James Beard, said what I feel very well,   “Any recipe depends on the quality of the ingredients, imaginatively presented by the hands of the cook but the flavors depend on the seasoning from the passion and love from the cook’s heart.”


Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church © 2016