This week for Crossings, we’re doing a Q&A with Alex Miller, a member of CTR who serves as the Clerk on our Vestry, and teaches locally. Be on the lookout for more Community Builder Q&A’s with vestry and other members of CTR throughout the winter, and send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to participate and help us build community as we get to know one another in this way 🙂 

Q: Who is your favorite Bible character & why?
A: Mary. Her incredible faith in the face of a life-shattering gift amazes me every time I think about it.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I write poetry, essays, and literary reviews for magazines like The Millions and The Curator. I got into these things because of some wonderful literature teachers. I also make my own beer and bacon, because I want to gain weight very rapidly.

Q: What is your favorite holiday & why?
A: Easter. There is a purity to Easter that has gone untouched by the American mass-marketing engine.

Q: If you could share a meal with any 3 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
A: Excluding Jesus? Oscar Wilde, Ernest Shackleton, and my wife. These three people would not understand each other at all, and the resulting conversation would be delightful.

Q: What energizes you and brings you excitement?
A: Beginning a new hobby that I will inevitably abandon.

Q. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
A: A bar of soap, a lobster trap, and a boat. 

Q: What was your favorite subject in school?
A: English. I had enthusiastic and brilliant teachers, and the fun they were having with books proved to be contagious.

Q: Is there anything you wish would come back into fashion?
A: Men’s hats. My head is often very cold.

Q: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A: My psychologist sisters would call me a social introvert: I love people but am recharged by solitude.

Q: What obscure thing are you talented at?
A: I was once fairly decent at sword fighting. That’s homeschool for you.

Q: If you could start a club for something silly, what would your club be about?
A: It would be a Patrick O’Brien fan club. We would all get together and pretend to know something about ships.

Q: If you were a state, which state would you be and why?
A: Denial. Because reality is overwhelming right now.

Q: Bible character you identify with the most and why?
A: Balaam’s ass. We share several key characteristics.