Beliefs & History

Founded in 2009, Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church is located in Danvers on the North Shore of Boston. We are a place of worship, a community of prayer, a congregation of people loving God and one another, disciples of Jesus seeking the Kingdom of God. We are a people saved by grace, through faith. We are children of God, called to know and share the boundless transforming love of Jesus Christ in worship, in relationships, and in our stewardship of God’s gifts. We are here to proclaim the good news of salvation to all, and to grow disciples through the worship and ministry of Christ’s church.

We preach and uphold the historic faith of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church; we receive and uphold the Fundamental Declarations of the Province as well as the Jerusalem Declaration.

We affirm a “three streams” perspective on the Anglican life:

We are catholic in worship and liturgy, valuing the rich traditions and liturgy of the historic church. We uphold the Sacraments as vehicles through which God’s grace is imparted to believers to strengthen and sustain us.

We are evangelical in preaching and teaching, upholding the absolute authority of the Word of God, focusing on the saving grace of Jesus Christ through his life, death, and resurrection offered to all who believe. We “go and make disciples,” living out a Faith that permeates and transforms every part of life.

We are charismatic in prayer and fellowship, believing that wherever two or three are gathered, the Holy Spirit is in the midst of us, an objective reality, active among our clergy and laity alike, in our healing prayer ministry, our music ministry, our Acts 2:42 fellowship groups, and every other aspect of our parish life. 

We have been blessed with a high liturgy and the musical tradition that goes with it.

Chanting the liturgy gives a heightened dimension to the words, and processions represent the people of God journeying into his presence and finally going out into the world to bring the Gospel to all people.

Our service music draws from two millennia of the church’s heritage of music, a rich treasury of styles including Gregorian Chant, medieval carols, Renaissance dances, metrical Psalms, African American spirituals, choral music and hymnody spanning hundreds of years, and music from recent years. Our music not only preserves past glories, but makes those glories present in a dynamic way that looks to and invests in the future.

Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am.