Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21

7pm Advent Call to Prayer

(in the church)

Sunday, December 11 

5pm Caroling

(meet in parish hall)

Sunday, December 18

5pm Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols with choirs

Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve

4pm Child-friendly Holy Eucharist

7:30pm Evening Prayer

10pm Special Music

10:30pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with choir

(congregational candle-lighting)

Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day

11am Rite I Holy Eucharist with music

(one joint service)

Sunday, January 1, New Year’s Day, Feast of the Holy Name

11am Holy Eucharist with music

(one joint service)

Friday, January 6, Feast of the Epiphany 

7:30pm Holy Eucharist with incense and music

(dessert pot-luck afterward in the parish hall)